The 19th century was a time of tremendous technological growth around the world. The Industrial Revolution, which began in England, took off in the United States just after the Civil War and continued into the early 1900's. A variety of communication technologies were invented along the way, in this country and abroad, all leading to the development of radio. Inventions such as the telegraph and the first radio. The first forms of communication were things such as the pony express. The invention of the telegraph paved the way for our modern communication. If it wasn't for Samuel Morse and his invention of the telegraph we probably wouldn't have the technology we have today to communicate. If it wasn't for the Alexander Graham Bell and his invention of the telephone we would not be able to communicate verbally for very long distances. ( Norman J. Medoff & Barbra Kaye)
Now: |
Today, we have multiple forms of communication. We use cell phones and tablets for just about every form of communication. Today, society uses cell phones and tablets for emailing, texting, video calling, video messaging and phone calls. Today our technology is so advanced that there is no need to use the telegraph or any of the other forms of primitive communication devices such as pagers or instant messaging.
Later: In the future I predict that technology will be so advanced that there will no longer be a need for cell phones or tablets or laptops. However, I think things will be like how they are in the movies. I think every form of media will be either a projection or a hologram. they already have phones that you don't have to touch to get the screen to move and they have phones that transfer data to each other by simply touching each other. I predict that kids our age will learn more about computers in elementary. I think that cell phones and tablets will never be used and the way we communicate with each other will change drastically.